'Too Dear' english notes

 If you are searching for the notes of the lesson 'Too Dear' written by Leo Tolstoy, then you are on the right website. Go on and read it:) 

The Kingdom of Monaco was so very small, almost like a country town. This toy kingdom boasts of a real kinglet, who has his palace, courtiers, ministers, bishop, generals and an army. Not a large army with only 60 men, nevertheless an army. Alongside this, there was also a gaming house, where people gambled playing the roulette which provided special revenue for the kingdom. As the king had to run his kingdom providing for all, he sanctioned gambling, though it was considered a vice, only because he got a large sum for his kingdom from the gaming house. People who came to gamble there had to make a payment to the keeper, regardless of whether they lose or win and the keeper made a good profit with this and thus could pay a significant percentage of it to the kingdom, of the profits made. Thus he paid a large sum to the prince. This helped the kingdom immensely and hence the King of Monaco resorted to gambling, the dirty business.

In the tiny the kingdom called Monaco, there was an unpredictable murder which committed by a person, which never had happen before in that Kingdom. The murderer was caught and was sentenced to death by cutting his head off. But the kingdom did not have a guillotine and not even an executioner. The king thought of getting a guillotine and executioner from France and wrote a letter. The France Government demanded 14000 Francs to supply a guillotine and an executioner. But it was too expensive to bear and the rarcal was not worth it. 

So the committee was gathered to make it in a cheaper way. By now the thought of writing a letter to Italy as Italy was а Brother monarch. The Italian Government demanded 12000 Francs to supply a guillotine and an executioner. But it would cost 200 francs per head and it may cause a riot. Again a committee was held and decided that a soldier himself can cut the murderer's head off, so that it would be the cheapest way. But none of the soldiers were ready to do so. They said that they were not thought of such things. Analyzing these situations, they decided to alter the death sentence to life imprisonment for the murderer, so the kinglet can show mercy on him. 

Or in simple words, 

The criminal was given a capital Punishment for his crime by the king. But the King could not afford to execute the punishment for the criminal because the kingdom did not have a guillotine and the executioner. Further, they could not afford to either buy or rent the guillotine. Also the soldiers, when approached, to cut the criminal's head in a rough and homely fashion, the soldiers refused saying that, they had not been taught that. Hence the punishment was changed to life imprisonment. With great difficulty the King and his Council found a fairly suitable prison for the man and a guard to watch the criminal. It was in some time discovered that the criminal incurred an expenditure of 600 francs a year for the kingdom. This too the Kingdom could not afford and suggested to the criminal that he should run away. The criminal refused to leave the kingdom saying that now his life is ruined as he was neither put to death nor imprisoned for life as promised by the king and council and as a result of which he had nowhere to go. They had ruined his character with a death sentence and so people, he said, would turn their backs on him. He also said that now he has got used to not working and so he does not know what it is to work. He, thus argued that he had suffered much more because of the Kingdom's failure to punish him. He wanted it to be duly compensated.

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